Undergraduate Minor


Health and Human Services

Dr. Jose Villalba Discussing the Health and Human Services Minor at the Majors and Minors Fair

The Health and Human Services Minor allows students to learn basic concepts and skills applicable to allied helping fields that are identified as health and human services. The goal of health and human services work is to improve the quality of life for those who are served and facilitate positive changes for individuals and communities. Therefore this minor focuses on knowledge and abilities  for the service professions such as counseling, social work, medicine, dentistry, health policy, allied medical sciences, athletic training, physical therapy, and health promotion.  Students supplement their major field of study by learning skills related to health and human services.


The minor in health and human services requires a minimum of 15 credit hours which must be completed with a grade of C or better. Courses taken as pass/fail do not count toward the minor. Students intending to complete this minor should consult with the Health and Human Services Minor Coordinator,   Dr. Michelle Ghoston (ghostonm@wfu.edu)  during their sophomore year.

Required Courses:

For now, required courses will be offered at least once every year, during the Fall, Spring, and/or Summer. See projected schedule below.

More courses will be added as demand dictates.

CNS 334: Ethics in Health and Human Services (3) Spring (Campus) and Summer (Online)

CNS 335: Health and Human Services in a Diverse Society (3) Fall (Campus)

CNS 337: Skills in Health and Human Services (3) Fall (Campus) and Spring (Campus)

CNS 340: Professional Orientation to Health and Human Services (3) Fall (Campus) and Summer (Online)

CNS 342: Group Procedures (3) Spring (Campus)